Rev. William W. Adams – US, Canada & UK

Rev. Adams' vision: 

The advancement of the Kingdom of Christ in the world.

Rev. Adams' mission: 

For the salvation of sinners so they receive eternal life (John 17:3); the edification of the Saints that they may grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18); for both that they receive

 every spiritual blessing God gives us in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

Therefore, Rev. Adams, in the US, Canada and the UK:

Preaches Christ (Phil 1:18) to thousands of people at major sporting events and outdoor community events; recruits others to preach Christ with him at major sporting events and at events where they live; evangelize through his theological studies and writings; and pray for the strengthening of Shepherds of the Sheep and that the Sheep keep to their first love (Rev. 2:4).

Rev. Adams is Anglican based on the 1662 Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England and is an ordained presbyter in the United Episcopal Church. Prior to ordination he was a commissioned evangelist in the Diocese of the Central States of the Reformed Episcopal Church and initially commissioned as an evangelist by Archbishop Foley Beach in the Diocese of the South of the Anglican Church of North America.

Rev. Adams earned a Graduate Diploma in Theology from Union School of Theology headquartered in Oxford, England. He is presently enrolled in the MTh program at Edinburgh Theological Seminary .

You can read Rev. Adams' testimony here: Testimony and his theological thoughts here: Views from an Evangelist.


Click the title to read about the details of the trip.

Click here to invest in Rev. Adams' respective evangelism event:

Invest in Rev. Adams' Evangelism

Gospel Invasion Team Leader Retreat

Jan 10 - 11

Chattanooga, TN

Gasparilla Pirate Festival

January 25

Tampa, FL

Super Bowl Outreach

Feb 2 - 9

New Orleans, LA

St. Pete Grand Prix

Feb 28 - March 2

St. Petersburg, FL

Final Four

April 3 - 8

San Antonio, TX

Miami Grand Prix

May 2 - 4

Miami Gardens, FL

Niagara Falls Training

May 23 - 26

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Montreal Grand Prix

June 13 - 15

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

NFL London


London, UK

Grey Cup

Nov. 13 - 16

Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada

Would you partner with Rev. Adams to take the Gospel to the souls at major sporting events in the US and World and to recruit evangelists to join him at these major sporting events? Also partner with Rev. Adams to train men who want to be vocational evangelists to join our George Whitefield Program so they can saturate their cities with the Gospel.


Below is a sample of sermons at events and messages in general. 

Videos of Bill preaching at events and teachings.

Visit this page for more:  Bill Adams (

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