Welcome to the George Whitefield Preaching Academy

The George Whitefield Preaching Academy (GWPA) is a one-of-a-kind two-year certificate program designed specifically for open-air preachers.


Open-air preachers will commit to demonstrating proficiency in handling and communicating Biblical texts in an expository fashion in the open air with a conviction and commitment to continual progress.

6 Focused Workshops

Designed to provide interpretation & communication through a variety of biblical texts.


Preaching through a Bible book (Luke & TBD)

"What's the Point?"

Biblical Theology

Systematic Theology

Persuasion & Rhetoric

Enroll in the Academy

Practical Applicaiton

Each academy participant will prepare and present an assigned text for each workshop.


The assigned text will also be preached, recorded in a ministry context, and submitted for observation and feedback.

Join the Academy

Required Reading

Honing our craft means learning from those who have gone before us.


We will read and engage with four books. Group discussions will be scheduled to share insights and applications from the reading.


Required Reading:

Preaching and Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Between Two Worlds or The Challenge of Preaching by John Stott

Speaking God's Words: A Practical Theology of Preaching by Peter Adam

Sacred Rhetoric by R.L. Dabney

Enroll Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the George Whitefield Preaching Academy?

Find the answers below. 

  • What is the cost of the George Whitefield Preaching Academy?

    The total cost for the academy will be different for each participant due to where each required reading is purchased.

    The cost for each workshop is $150.00.

    Total cost for academy workshops: $900.00*

    Payments can be made here.

    * Required reading costs are not included.

    ** There will be multiple payment options available.

  • What are the dates for the specific workshops?

    Here are the dates for the workshops for 2025–2026:



    • KYFITT workshop "Confidence & Certainty in the Gospel" (February 18–May 6, 2025)
    • Workshop on Systematic Theology (June 10–Sept 2, 2025)
    • “Persuasion & Rhetoric” (Sept. 30–December 16, 2025)


    • KYFITT Workshop on  focused on a book TBD (February 17–May 6, 2026)
    • “What’s the point?” (June 9–Sept. 6, 2026)
    • "Where's the Gospel?" (October 6–December 22, 2026)
  • What are the descriptions of the workshop sessions?

    KYFITT Book Workshop:

    Designed to provide you with the tools, principles, and strategies to understand how to interpret and communicate teaching and preaching a Bible book.


    "What's the Point?"

    Focus on understanding the author's organization of a text, its emphasis, and its main point. We will cover the three text types in the Bible: narrative, poetry, and discourse.


    "Where's the Gospel?"

    Emphasis on biblical theology, seeing the unity of the Bible. This will guide the preaching of the gospel in your sermon, grounding it in the history of your text and its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.


    "Systematic Theology & Preaching"

    The emphasis is on seeing how a text relates to our faith. Its importance lies in teaching and applying it to our preaching.


    "Persuasion & Rhetoric"

    Communicating a biblical text is as crucial as understanding it. Focusing on sermon preparation and preaching: forming an argument, sermon construction, applying and illustrating your text, delivery, etc.

  • What are the books for required reading?

    Here are the required reading resources:

    Preaching and Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

    Between Two Worlds or The Challenge of Preaching by John Stott

    Speaking God's Words: A Practical Theology of Preaching by Peter Adam

    Sacred Rhetoric by R. L. DAbney

  • What are the benefits of completing the George Whitefield Preaching Academy?

    Participants who successfully complete the certificate program and all the requirements will receive a signed certificate of completion.

    Much more than that, having the benefit of applying 2 Timothy 2:15 in this endeavor as well as committing to making continual progress.

    Additional benefits of achieving certification include:

    Operate as a SFOI event team leader:

    • With the conviction and commitment to expository preaching in the open air, demonstrate leadership skills to organize and coach a team and provide guided, focused evaluations of team members preaching.

    Operate as support or training for KYFITT workshops:

    • Workshop trainer and/or small group leader (additional training provided)
  • I am not an open-air preacher; can I still benefit from the George Whitefield Preaching Academy?

    Yes, you can!

    The tools, principles, and strategies in the workshops are designed for anyone who teaches and preaches God's word.

    The main difference is in your communication with your audience.

    If you are preaching in the pulpit or in the open air, teaching a small group Bible study, or Sunday school, you will benefit from the George Whitefield Preaching Academy.

  • Are there any ongoing training requirements for certification?


    In making the commitment to make continual progress, we are requiring those who achieve certification to complete the following annually to maintain certification:

    Attend the Superbowl Outreach and/or the GWP Annual Summer Fellowship Conference.

    • Attend a KYFITT spring workshop or a Taking Reps study session.
    • Attend the KYFITT ongoing small group leader/train the trainer training (if desiring to be a small group leader or trainer).

    *Costs associated with ongoing training requirements are not included in certification costs.

  • What if I cannot make the commitment for the whole two years?

    It is understandable that logistical circumstances come up.

    If you are unable to commit to the two-year certificate program, you can take the workshops and required reading assignments within your schedule.

    Once you have satisfied the requirements, you will receive your certificate.

  • How will these workshops be conducted?

    Many of the workshops will be conducted in an interactive online format using freeconferencecall.com.

    There are a few in-person workshops which will be conducted at the Superbowl Outreach and the GWP Annual Summer Fellowship Conference.

  • What is the quickest time I can achieve the George Whitefield Preaching Academy certificate?

    The quickest timeframe you will be able to complete the George Whitefield Preaching Academy Certificate is about 1.5 years ( for first-time enrollees).

    The last workshop for the initial rollout of the GWPA will be conducted at the 2024 GWP Annual Summer Fellowship Conference and will satisfy the completeion of the last workshop.

    There may be future opportunities for self-study online.

  • What is the time commitment needed for the George Whitefield Preaching Academy?

    This will vary based on your individual learning style.

    Here is an estimate of time commitments:

    • 1-1.5 hour(s) for a weekly workshop session
    • 1-1.5-hour reading cohort every six months to discuss required reading
    • 1 hour to discuss sermon observation feedback
    • Time needed to complete your text assignment outside of the workshop
    • Time to preach and record your sermon based on the text assignment
  • I have a question that is not answered in these FAQs. Who do I contact?

    We have tried to answer many of the frequently asked questions regarding the George Whitefield Preaching Academy.

    If you have a question that is not answered and would like to contact someone, please feel free to contact:

    Heath Pucel

    George Whitefield Preaching Academy &

    Keep Your Finger in the Text Instructor

    Phone: (920)322-5089

    Email: heathpucel@gmail.com

George Whitefield Preaching Academy Instructor

With the passion, talents, and gifts provided by God in teaching and studying God's word, Heath has trained over 20 preaching workshops. He has continued to partner with SFOI to provide Keep Your Finger in the Text workshops and is now excited to launch the George Whitefield Preaching Academy. Encouraging preachers to commit to expository preaching in the open air and exhorting them to make progress in that commitment.

Enroll in the George Whitfield Preaching Academy

You are committing to enroll in the George Whitfield Praching Academy by completing this form.

Please feel free to post any questions or comments below.

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