The GWP is designed to create a daily, consistent and dependable ministry in an area vs. a sporadic, inconsistent, undependable ministry....
The GWP evangelist has two daily tasks to be done before the public: preaching the Gospel and asking people to participate....
One way to understand the structure of the GWP is that it is designed to systematically organize the instruction, edification and training for men who want to do the work of an evangelist full-time....
The goal of preaching the Gospel is to make God known. Evangelistic preaching is directed towards sinners who do not know Him personally. Preaching is the means of calling sinners to repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus so that they can know God....
Dr. Denny Prutow, the instructor for Homiletics ’18, is teaching here in preaching to the heart....
London is perhaps the best city in the western world to preach. The population of 8+ million travel by the “Tube” or underground transportation. That means there is tremendous foot traffic throughout the city.....
SFOI ws in San Francisco for the Super Bowl in 2016 and is scheduled to return in 2019 for the College Football Championship....
Arnold Dallimore writes the following in Volume I of his “George Whitefield the Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th Century”....