EVENT INFO                      EVANGELISTS                     MINISTRY REPORTS                          PAST CONFERENCE

What is happening

The George Whitefield Program is conducting its annual Fellowship Conference for GWP evangelists and men who want to join the GWP the week of June 16 - 20, 2025, near Chattanooga, TN. Workshops are offered on expository preaching and transitioning into full-time evangelism. This year Greek is being offered.

To apply contact Bill Adams at either: or 866-646-5683 and then complete the registration page noting whether you are participating in Track #1, #2 or #3

If you are interested in joining the GWP, discuss this with Bill. 

The three tracks:

Track #1Transition to Gospel Ministry as a Way of Life

Fundraising, administrative, audience & scheduling: this is required for men who are joining the GWP. These topics are covered: 

  • Who is your audience?
  • Consistency and the pastoral ministry that happens through your evangelism.
  • Ministry Partner Development [fundraising].
  • The role of the evangelist in the Great Commission.
  • Spiritual disciplines, which include prayer and navigating the relationships you have as an evangelist.
  • Leading your family.

To register to attend, click on this link, and when asked for the event you are attending, type: George Whitefield Program–Track #1: Register.

Track #2: Keep Your Finger In The Text (KYFITT) Bible Exposition Workshop: this is for GWP evangelists, seasoned and/or beginning evangelists or men, who want to strengthen and enhance their preaching and teaching of God’s word.


Skills to be developed:

  • Biblical exposition: a foundational conviction in order to preach the Word faithfully and fruitfully.
  • Preaching: You will prepare and preach 1-2 sermons. There will be preaching as well as feedback, instruction, and guidance to improve.
  • Critiquing and observing sermons: You will observe and critique the other participants sermons and work.

To register for the KYFITT Bible Exposition track training, visit this page and enter “George Whitefield Program – Track #2” when asked for the event you are attending: 

Track #3: Greek. This class is intended to introduce you to Greek so you can learn to read the New Testament in Greek.

Scheduled Teachers

Track #1: Administrative

Rev. W.W. (Bill) Adams: Overseer of

This is the big picture of Bill's Track #1 teaching: Get Organized.

Bill’s teaching topics include:

  • Who are you reaching with the Gospel? Audio Message.
  • Ministry Partner Development.

Audio message: It's not about the money.

  • The role of the evangelist in the Great Commission. Audio Message.
  • Leading your family and your ministry to others in your evangelistic life.
  • Why be a vocational evangelist. Audio Message.
  • Spiritual disciplines: establishing spiritual disciplines to be a fruitful evangelist.

Audio message: Reordering Your Schedule.

Track #2: Sermon Preparation

Heath Pucel is an evangelist at Fishermen’s Call, Keep Your Finger in the Text & George Whitfield Preaching Academy instructor, and GWP Overseer of Education.

Workshop focus this year will be a "Preaching Practicum."

Understanding and communicating the message of the Bible from a biblical text is crucial as an evangelist. Devoting time for preparation and preaching is often neglected in lieu of emphasizing, "We just need to preach the Gospel."

This year will be a different experience as we work to build preachers. During the week you will:

  • Preach sermons at the start of the fellowship conference and receive feedback.
  • Receive instructional guidance highlighting the common areas for improvement.
  • Re-preach sermons in light of feedback and instruction.
  • Offer encouragement and exhortation to peers.

Each participant will apply the principles in the workshop through text and preaching assignments.

Heath describes the goal of his teaching:

"The commitment for building preachers starts with a conviction for faithful exposition in preaching and teaching scripture. It requires devoting yourself to prayer and ministry of the word. Devotion to prayer highlights our complete dependence on God in understanding His word to us and then our hearers. Devotion to the ministry of the word focuses on strengthening the preaching skills. This approach provides a path to practical, persuasive, powerful preaching.By carefully studying and interpreting the Bible, we discover and gain a deeper understanding of God's Word, as it applies to our own lives first, which leads to preaching and teaching with greater accuracy and effectiveness in the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Small Group Sermon Preparation Worksheet                                                   Open Air Sermon Observation and Evaluation

Track #3: Greek                                   


Event Info:

Conference Location: Birchwood Community Center, Birchwood, TN (30 minutes north of Chattanooga, TN)

Dates: June 16 - June 20, '25.

  • Arrive: Monday, June 16, Noon for registration.
  • Depart: Friday, June 20, Noon after closing session.

Conference Schedule:

The time slots are the same for both tracks. Both tracks come together for the “Evening Session” which is a joint worship service.

Note: Families are invited to attend the evening sessions.

Monday, June 16

  • Registration: Noon – 2:00 PM
  • Afternoon session: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • Dinner break: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Evening session: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Tuesday, June 17 – Thursday, June 19

  • Prayer: 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
  • Morning session: 9:00 AM – Noon
  • Lunch break: Noon – 2:00 PM [includes lunch and prayer]
  • Afternoon session: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • Dinner break: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Evening session: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Friday, June 20

  • Prayer: 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
  • Closing session : 9:00 AM – Noon

Accommodation, Meals & Airport Pick-up:

Accommodation: Bryan College Dayton, TN

Check-in: Noon

Check-out: Noon

Address: 721 Bryan Dr, Dayton, TN 37321 

Meals:  three meals Tuesday - Thursday. Dinner Monday. Breakfast and lunch Friday. 

Note: For men bringing their families the extra cost is meals. Meals are $40 / person for 4 evening meals. 

Airport Pickup: Yes, forward your itinerary to

Travel: Book Your Travel 

New feature: book your flights; car rental, etc. via SFOI's partnership with Hotel Planner.

You can also call: 888-973-5987 to check for unpublished airfare rates.

Registration info:

Who can attend: This event is for men only.

Cost: $400

Meals:   Included.

Accommodation cost: Included

Payment Deadline: June 2 (2 weeks prior to event)

DonorBox Payment Link: GWP Payments

Extra : Consider this week like a camp meeting with training. This means there’s plenty of praying and preaching mixed with training. Men are encouraged to bring their families. There will be activities for the families during the training times.

Next steps: 

If this is your first outreach event with SFOI, click on the button below to read through the steps to register.

If you are a returning evangelist, send an email to indicating that you want to register for this event.

Once you register and are approved you will receive further information including but not limited to an event waiver and payment information. You will also be asked to submit a bio and picture to be posted on the event pages.

Register here


Please pray daily for the Chattanooga Civil Magistrate based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7.

  • Prayer is the foundation of the SFOI and praying for the Civil Magistrate has allowed the outreaches to operate smoothly over the years. So this is a must.
  • Prayer time: SFOI has a weekly prayer time which is held Monday evenings at 7:00 PM EST. Click on the link to get details about the weekly prayer meeting:
  • Prayer Call

GWP Evangelists Attending '25

Ministry Reports

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