Welcome to the George Whitefield Program [GWP]. The program was established to support and train men who want to be full-time evangelists who preach the Gospel in the open air like Rev. George Whitefield the famed evangelist of the 18th Century.

If you believe you are called to full-time evangelistic work or simply have a passion for souls the hear the Gospel then pray about becoming part of the GWP.

The application at the bottom of the page contains more details about the program including what is required of each evangelist. For more details about the GWP visit: GWP. And for information for this year’s training visit: GWP Training.

George Whitefield (1714 – 1770) is our model evangelist because he embodied five characteristics:

  1. He was a holy man. Read the accounts of his life and you will find a man dedicated to being holy. The term “Methodist” associated with him was because of his disciplined approach to holy living.
  2. He was well educated. Whitefield was a graduate of Oxford University in Oxford, England one of the foremost universities of the last 800 years.
  3. He was ordained. Whitefield was ordained by the Church of England.
  4. He was a relentless itinerant evangelist. Whitefield preached every day, he crossed the Atlantic Ocean 13 times to preach in England and the US.
  5. He was a fruitful minister. Whitefield ministered to coal miners, the elite, the King of England knew him, sailors and soldiers.

The following are several books that portray the life and times of Rev. Whitefield. If you read them you’ll gain insight into the man who was perhaps the most fruitful evangelist in the last 500 years and hence why he is our model evangelist.

 by Arnold Dallimore (Two Volumes)

Book Summary

Volume 1 brings the story of Whitefield’s life and of the evangelical revival up to the end of the year 1740. Volume 2 follows events onwards until his death in 1770. An outstanding biography, popularly written, and with an urgent message for the present day.

“George Whitefield: America’s Spiritual Founding Father“ 

by Tommy Kidd

Book Summary

In the years prior to the American Revolution, George Whitefield was the most famous man in the colonies. Thomas Kidd’s fascinating new biography explores the extraordinary career of the most influential figure in the first generation of Anglo-American evangelical Christianity, examining his sometimes troubling stands on the pressing issues of the day, both secular and spiritual, and his relationships with such famous contemporaries as Benjamin Franklin, Jonathan Edwards, and John Wesley.

Based on the author’s comprehensive studies of Whitefield’s original sermons, journals, and letters, this excellent history chronicles the phenomenal rise of the trailblazer of the Great Awakening. Whitefield’s leadership role among the new evangelicals of the eighteenth century and his many religious disputes are meticulously covered, as are his major legacies and the permanent marks he left on evangelical Christian faith. It is arguably the most balanced biography to date of a controversial religious leader who, though relatively unknown three hundred years after his birth, was a true giant in his day and remains an important figure in America’s history.

“The Evangelistic Zeal of George Whitefield“ 

by Steve Lawson

Book Summary

Called the “Grand Itinerant” for his unprecedented preaching ministry, Whitefield crossed the Atlantic Ocean numerous times and lit fires of revival on two continents. Yet, as Dr. Steven J. Lawson illustrates in this entry in the Long Line of Godly Men Profile series, we must note that Whitefield was a man whose extraordinary evangelistic fervor was marked by remarkable piety and deep theology, and whose unswerving devotion to his God led him to risk all that he had to preach the name of Christ.

To apply to be an evangelist with the George Whitefield Program download the application: GEORGE WHITEFIELD PROGRAM APPLICATION.

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