Joshua Chavez - Denton, TX
A Short Introduction
I’m a native of Denton Texas which is a college city and have committed myself to evangelize to the people in those spaces.
Denton has two major college campuses we do outreach to. One on the west and one on the east side of the city: UNT and TWU within a few miles apart.
I’m partnered with another brother — Will Dietrich — and we are doing this ministry because Jesus Christ is King.
The Bible says that all authority and power has been given to Him, and He tells His disciples to go because of that and disciple the nations, baptize them in the name of God, and teach them to obey Him.
Students come from all over the world, but the one thing they have in common is that they do not bow the knee to the Lord Jesus.
And we know that…
Hebrews 9:27 — …it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment…
As a former student at UNT, I can testify to the dominance of the secular worldview on campus.
Campus Populations ABOUT
(UNT 43,000 & TWU 17,000)
These students don’t know the Lord Christ, those that come from without, and the local students from within are not born again.
We are ministering to these students on a weekly basis
Because we know that…
John 3:3 — “…unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
The students of Denton are people, and people belong to the ultimate statistic that 10 out of 10 die. Those that don’t know Christ are going to hell in droves.
The Gospel needs to be a strong and faithful presence in the public square on the campus, so we are there preaching when we can be there.
I am looking for people who are willing to partner with me at a steady amount of $100 plus or whatever able a month. Would you partner with me in this mission?
Joshua Chavez
Colossians 3:3
Psalm 42:1-2
Open Air Preaching
Financial Support