Brackston Combs

My Name is Brackston, I currently reside in Havana, IL with my Wife Amanda and our Four (Almost Five!) Children. We have been married for almost 12 years. We are blessed to Homeschool all our our children. I am a medically retired U.S. Army Veteran with 2 combat deployments to Iraq.

I am a previously professing backsliding Atheist/Agnostic. The first time I came to Church was when my wife tricked me into going by telling me we were going to an Ice Cream Social, but God was dealing with me far before that during Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation shortly before I left the Army.

I spent most of my life addicted to some sort of Drug. I needed inebriation almost constantly because I did not want to face the absurdity of my World Views. You know the story, I blamed God for all of the bad things in my life – But refused to worship him or give him Thanks. But, God had mercy on my soul by putting people in my life who were not afraid to tell me the truth of my ways and rebuke me.

After a very traumatic PTSD episode which involved me attempting suicide by Jumping out of a moving vehicle – I came to the end of my rope after my Pastor came to visit me and sternly told me – I am not allowed to test God. I still struggled with full repentance, I was counting the cost as you would say.

But, God Finally opened my eyes in the end of 2015 and he began to start ripping all of the idols that I had, out of my life. He was breaking me for service. In the beginning of 2016, I would struggle with the two idols I hadn’t fully let go of – Drugs and Alcohol.

After coming across Evangelism videos on YouTube, and watching The Way Of The Master I began to realize Gods calling for my life was not to evangelize to my pot-smoking buddies. I began to search on the internet, and found an amplifer and decided to purchase it. When the box arrived, I began to look at it – and realized I could not be a Cigarette and Pot smokin’, drunk of an evangelist. On that day, February 2nd 2016 I surrendered to God all of my remaining Idols – my lifelong addictions. 

After this day, I began to go to locations with my amplifier and attempt to evangelize but, would ultimately chicken out. I began to pass out tracts in various parts of Bloomington and Normal, Illinois and that is when I ran into another street preacher and began getting involved with Him and several other evangelists in my area. I began to instead of trying to quench my thirst for drugs and alcohol, I developed the unquenchable thirst for learning more about God, His Righteousness and the true way my life is meant to be lived, and to most importantly to fulfill my calling to “Go and Preach the Gospel to All Creation.” 

I am currently working on my Bachelor's in Christian Ministry Degree from The Master’s University. 

I am blessed to be a member of Covell Community Church in Bloomington, IL.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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