SFOI UK is offering training for Christians who believe they are called to the work of open air ministry. The dates are Monday, October 7th and Saturday, October 12th.

Training will consist of three hours of class time, lunch and three hours of practical application of the teaching.

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Being a man of the Word and Prayer [Acts 6:4]

Bill Adams – Trustee SFOI UK
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM – What is the Gospel and Practical Ministry Instruction

11:00 AM – Noon – What are your free speech legal rights?

Michael Phillips – Attorney at Christian Concern
Noon – 3:00 PM – Ministry time

Teaching Location: TBA – in the Oxford Circus area

Ministry Location: Piccadilly & Oxford Circus.

What to bring: Bible, a means to take notes and an Aker amp.
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